Why Online coaching
If you’re looking to break a life-time of yo-yo dieting and finally find a strategy that’ll help you lose weight for good, you need to work with a coach that understands your struggles. Someone who’s had personal experience of what you’re going through, not just second-hand or client stories of your struggles. Honestly, most coaches won’t understand, because the vast majority have never struggled with yo-yo dieting or binge eating, don’t have a bad relationship with food and don’t have an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to diet and exercise.
I’ve been where you are - I’ve tried every diet under the sun in my quest to lose weight and developed an awful relationship with food as a result. But by dedicating myself to changing my approach to dieting and exercise, and through trial and error, I’ve come out the otherside. And it’s all that experience that’s helped me develop the systems I now use with my clients.
Repairing your relationship with food and breaking the dieting cycle is not something a coach can just learn from a book - you have to have experienced this yourself to fully understand. Trust me when I say that I know exactly what it will take to finally break the cycle of yo-yo dieting you feel stuck in once and for all. I know the questions to ask you, the areas you’ll struggle with and the roadblock you’ll encounter on your journey and how to overcome them. Which is why I’m the right coach for you.
Because I’m going to give you the tools to be your own coach, so you KNOW at the end of our time working together that you don’t need me any more.
What’s included in adam donald fitness program
Unlocking food freedom!
I’d say the overwhelming majority of the women I speak to have defaulted to restrictive diets whenever they’ve wanted to lose weight. Diets that focus on how much you can cut out of your day-to-day eating in order to drop your unwanted body fat. And, unfortunately, this is the approach the majority of “fat loss coaches” take as well.
The approach I take with my clients is radically different. My “Food Freedom Fat Loss Framework” is built around the foundation of “Food Freedom” - we’re not going to focus on what you “need” to remove from your diet, but instead on what you can include. Understanding that you don’t need to restrict anything from your diet and what habits we need to instill to drastically improve youre relationship with food & make this the last “diet” you’re ever on and more of a lifestyle change that will last forever enabling you to still consume all of your favourite foods & treats guilt free!
training & habit building
If you’re anything like the women I work with, you don’t have a lot of “free” time in your schedule. When you factor in long hours at the office, taxi-ing your kids back and forth, “house admin” and spending quality time with your family/partner, it’s easy to feel like you don’t have any time for yourself. Which can make it very hard for you to find time to go to the gym, even getting out for a walk or having some well needed downtime to help you relax from a stressful busy week, it’ll also make it very hard for you to manage & stay on top of your nutrition.
And this is probably the main reason why generic exercise and meal plans just haven’t worked for you, because add too much stress, and demand too much of your already limited free time. The truth is, these really restrictive plans are designed for young, single women with no responsibilities, who can dedicate hours every single day to preparing each meal and training at the gym. But they just aren’t realistic for women who not only have jobs that keep them in the office or at work 10+ hours per day, but other responsibilities in their life.
What you need is a programme that will help you with build structure and routine into your week without overwhelming you and expecting you to overhaul your entire life. And this is exactly what I designed my “No BS Time Management System” to do.
We’ll start off with what I call a “Schedule/Time Audit”, where we’ll sit down and deep-dive into everything your have going on in your week - not just work commitments, but family family commitments, social occasions, family time/date nights - so I can see how you prioritise your time and where you have “empty” time that could be dedicated to training/activity/habits. Laying out your entire schedule in front of you is very eye-opening, and can help you identify just how much time you have for yourself week to week you would otherwise have missed, So we can make sure were including things into your daily routines that’s going to move you forward in a realistic & consistent fashion!
I can’t explain to you enough how much of a powerful tool a good mindset is, especially if you want to be successful in your health & fitness goals
As someone who had struggled with their own mindset for years, I want teach you everything i’ve learned over the years to teach you how to have a bulletproof mindset!
This is about becoming more present and understanding the thoughts & emotions in you head so YOU are the one in control. You won’t be hijacked by that negative little voice in your head any longer.
Developing a healthy mindset takes time, learning to control stress, reduce anxiety & develop a healthier relationship with yourself. I will be in your corner every step of the way guiding you to building healthier habits a completley new mindset that will stick!
In order for any long lasting sustainable change to occur, you need to make sure that you have someone in your corner, whos been where you are at now, can understand your frustrtations, your challenges that you face on a daily basis & can help support you every step of the way
You'll get weekly in depth video feedback sessions, where we will review your previous week, so we can set clear definitive targets moving into the the week to come so you know exactly what we need to work on, and what you need to do to continue moving forward.
You'll also get access to monthly zoom review calls when needed, Live Q&A and webiners held privately for my clients on zoom & a supportive whats app group with lots of different people all on their own journey very similar to yours who will help be in your corner all the way
The entire program is built around YOUR needs & YOUR goals. I will not tell you to do anything that you're not comfortable doing. As long as we have that communication & that transparency I can say with 100% certainty you will absolutely smash every single one of your goals.
Education is by far the most important part of this journey.
The biggest reason people fail at long term transformations is picking a strict & rigid approach thats not sustainable, where they don’t learn how to lose the weight but even worse have absolutely no understanding how to keep it off once they get there
During the program I won't be telling you to do ANYTHING without telling you the reason behind why we are doing it, or why its important so you understand exactly the processes on how were going to take you from point A to point B in the most enjoyable, realistic & educational way possible so eventually further down the line you don’t need a coach any more & have the tools you need to succeed long term on your own!
You'll know & understand the "whys & hows" behind everything that you're doing with an endless supply of different resources & mini courses available to help you succeed & achieve your goal not short term, but for the rest of your life!

A life worth living...
I know that it's not always easy to change your habits. That's why i’m here! I will be working with you one-on-one to create a plan that works for you, that fits into your lifestyle that’s sustainable long term I’ll help you find what works best for you, and be there every step of the way supporting you in your corner.
Is this coaching for you ?
My coaching is for you
If you don’t wake up in the morning and feel full of energy?
If you want to build a healthier relationship with food without the guilt or restriction
If you want to finally feel in shape with an approach that you enjoy?
If you have trouble sticking to a nutrition or fitness plan
If you’re sick of all the BS restrictive diets & crazy exercise routines
If you are willing to commit yourself to a completely customized program
If you want to achieve life-changing results that will stick forever!
My coaching isn’t for you
If you are just looking for a quick fix
If you are not willing to commit yourself
If you are happy to stay the same
If you are going to make excuses for yourself
Expect results to come from shakes or pills.
Not open to changing their training, nutrition, or lifestyle habits.
I want to start on my journey today!
Here’s How To Get Started
Step 1
Fill out the contact form below. I will get back to you in 24 hours.
Step 2
Pick a date and time for a 30 minute consultation call where we will get to know each other better & discuss your current goals.
Step 3
We will discuss the steps you need to take in order to achieve the results you are wanting.
Step 4
Achieve life-changing results
What THEY SAY //
If you’re looking for jaw dropping results, then take a look at what some of our team have achieved this year.